A bit of history
Founded in 1984 by Mirella Benin on intuition of her husband Ennio Caliari expert weavers and spinner, Nastrificio Mirella was born with the aim of producing rigid ribbons for use in the sectors such as upholstery, accident prevention, clothing and garden accessories .
Today, Nastrificio Mirella, with enthusiasm and passion, is the director of two of their four sons , who with dedication and new investments have developed new products used in various sectors such as footwear , clothing , accident prevention , bags accessories and packaging , sporting goods , outdoor furniture and upholstery .
The constant commitment, professionalism, confidentiality, friendliness and customer satisfaction are the key words of our present and our future.
Our pride is to have all the production in our company in Vicenza, and to use only raw materials that comply with European standards with Oeko -Tex class I certification .